We’re all aware of the negative effects that smoking cigarettes or tobacco can have on our health. With that said; it’s been well-established that one doesn’t need to be the smoker to suffer the impact – secondhand smoke is responsible for a variety of health problems in non-smokers, and children are especially susceptible.

Close up of baby looking

But while smoking is known to cause yellowing teeth, bad breath, dry mouth and oral cancer among other things, secondhand smoke can now also be to blame for oral health issues in young people. New research is finding a potential link between secondhand smoke exposure in infants and a heightened risk of dental caries or cavity development. In fact, it was suggested that infants who were exposed to tobacco smoke at 4-months old were at an increased risk for developing decay by the time they reached 3 years of age.

Smoking: It Just Isn’t Worth It

Do yourself and your family a favor by aiming to quit smoking as soon as possible. Or in the meantime, refrain from smoking within close proximities to your child or other people.

If you’ve been finding it challenging to finally kick the habit, speak to your doctor or dental health care provider about ways you can quit. You can always reach out to our Hamilton dentist as well, who would be glad to recommend a productive plan and provide assistance. There are many different methods available designed to help smokers achieve their goal and lead a healthier lifestyle. Your health and the health of your loved ones depend on it.

Make the change today. We believe in you!



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