If you’re anxious about dental visits, Westdale Dentistry has the solution. We offer both General Anesthesia and IV Sedation.

We are pleased to offer Sleep Dentistry at our location in Hamilton, Ontario. For some people, a visit to the dental office is a very stressful, emotional event. If you have a hard time getting through a dental procedure because of nerves or anxiety, you can relax — Our team at Westdale Dentistry works in collaboration with an Anestheologist to provide our patients with the option of being completely asleep using General Anesthesia. By having a more relaxed patient, dentists may be able to complete more of your dentistry in one appointment.

A sedative medication can be administered orally or by intravenous (or both), and will allow the patient to enter a state of dreamy sleepiness. Intravenous (IV/Conscious) sedation is a great option for people who experience unpleasant dental anxiety surrounding their dental treatment. With IV sedation, some patients fall asleep, while others remain awake but don’t notice or care about the dental work being performed.

Patients are able to go home following a sedation dentistry procedure, but cannot drive for the rest of the day — and must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The medication wears off very quickly, but could leave you feeling unsteady for the first few hours.

Benefits of sedation dentistry include:

  • Patient comfort and relaxation
  • Movement control
  • Control of gag reflex
  • Time saving – fewer dental visits needed

Contact Westdale Dentistry in Hamilton to learn more about sedation dentistry, and how it could make your visits more comfortable.

Are you a candidate?

Westdale Dentistry | Trusted Dentist in Hamilton dentist,Sleep Dentistry,dentist in hamilton,dental

Almost anyone — adult, teen or child — is a candidate for sedation dentistry. It’s particularly useful for people with a fear of dental visits, or people with a history of anxiety/panicking, but it’s also preferred by people who would simply rather not be “aware” during a procedure.

How we can help…

We offer a wide range of procedures to help you get the perfect smile.